
Lewes Fireworks 2002
Lewes Fireworks . It's something to do with the Gunpowder plot in the Olden Days (1605) when Guy Fawkes and some other Catholic chaps tried to blow up nasty King James I, got caught and were severely dealt with! The Pope that's burnt at Lewes is not the nice current one, but the one who was around at the time Pope Paul V who wasn't so tolerant! The people of Lewes were particularly cross cos in 1557, during the rule of the Catholic Queen Mary, 17 Protestant martyrs were burned at the stake. The burning crosses represent these guys. Them were the days!! Religion, eh? Instead of killing Catholics and Protestants, the citizens of today dress up and march to the War Memorial in the centre of the town to lay a wreath and stand in silence to remember those who lost their lives in the two world wars. And have some fun!


I've been trying to find out about black peas -- they only seem to be on sale Up North around Bonfire Night. There's a stall next to Ramsbottom station that sells them hot, with vinegar. I remember eating them out of a cracked cup at Bury fair. Just been surfing the web, and it seems that Maple peas are mostly used for pigeon food... There's a mention of them here.
just got back from Lewes where they have the most amazing fireworks, processions etc -- luckily it was fine last night!! there are 5 Bonfire Societies in Lewes and we watched just one of them -- Commercial Square -- from an upstairs window of a friend's flat -- pure anarchy all night -- about 5 processions, starting with the children at 5.30pm and ending with aulde lang zine and god save the queen at around 12.30 followed by an impromtu bonfire in the middle of the street (quickly put out by the fire brigade!!) -- the grand procession at 9.30pm lead to the bonfire where effigies of Guy, the Pope and George W Bush astride a cruise missile, were not just burnt, but BLOWN UP!! the loudest bangs I've ever heard!! 4 Bishops on a scaffold with flaming crosses were almost burnt to death with people throwing bangers and fireworks at them... Amazing firework display -- and it wasn't even the best Society, for Cliffe's display you have to buy tickets in advance... For some odd reason, our Society were all dressed as American Indians, smugglers and Dad's Army -- all the little babies were in buggies disguised as canoes.... everyone was throwing big bangers and firecrackers -- too loud to be legal!!! Apparently Cliffe Bonfire Boys roll tar barrels down the street!! Some photos here.