Neil Innes has got his solo gigs down to a fine art, pleasing loyal fans and first-timers alike. Last night, he starts with a full-length version of his greatest hit Urban Spaceman then launches into Bonzos stories and songs, complete with audience participation (And then he kissed her!
Who did? He did!
Where?). There was the usual red-nose false-moustache, changing-hats comedy, Crystal Balls (zum, zum, zum, zum), French dernkeys, Beatles/Abbey Road anecdotes, Monty Python, Protest Song ('I've suffered for my art, now it's your turn!'), How sweet (with quacksy), Godfrey Daniel (always gets the biggest laugh) and the inevitable Rutles medley, starring Cheese and Onions (watch out for the musical Rutalot!). He even managed to swear in a few more Ego-Warriors.
Then there were the 'new' songs from the
new album
Works in progress (not available in the shops) - buy it if you can, the Eastern European (?) musicians backing him on these recordings are a revelation. 'One of those people', 'Face Mail', 'Eye Candy' and the poignant 'All Alone'. Encore was Back in '64, alas without the paper-tearing.
The Greys once again hosted a living legend on its tiny stage.
The images without flash were a bit blurred! Didn't like to distract the great man, so only flashed at the end of songs! - Fred the Responsible Flasher!
Yvonne (Mrs Innes) - Roadie for the night